Source Code

Take a walk

An old tymey code-phrase that one states before leaving to expel digestive gas. In other words, an excuse to tell your friends when you need to go find somewhere to fart.

Ms. Cromwell's three bean casserole was absolutely delicious, but the moment i felt a spell of flatulence coming on, I told her I was going to take a walk so as not to offend her delicate senses.

by Timstuff August 4, 2009

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The popular practice in Hollywood (and sometimes, in Asian cinema) of using rapid-fire editing to compensate for sloppy fight choreography or actors who are poor martial artists. The key signs of edit-fu are frequent shot changes in between moves (and sometimes during them, if it's really bad) and is sometimes accompanied by a close-up, shaky camera do further prevent the audience from actually looking at the fight.

Person 1: Hey did you see that martial arts movie starring that underwear model who was fighting all the ninjas?

Person 2: Yeah, and it sucked. The story was lame, no-one could act, and not even the fights were any good because they used so much edit-fu.

by Timstuff June 12, 2010

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bathroom choir

Used to describe the terrible noises that you must endure in a public restroom when you walk in and someone (or multiple persons) are in the process of taking a dump. Or, it can simply be an allusion to using the public restroom.

"I had to take a leak the other day, but the bathroom choir was in full session, so I got out of that restroom ASAP."

"I'll be back in a second. I have a practice session with the bathroom choir."

by Timstuff March 9, 2008

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Drugs Are Retarded Expiriments

Downvote away, druggies! You'll never be as smart or have as much money or fun as me, because I don't do drugs. HAHAH!

Stupid Druggy: Oh man, I can't stand how people say pot make you stupid! I'm going to go on Urban Dictionary and write a bunch of BS definitions for D.A.R.E. and the War on Drugs!

Sober person: Fine. Enjoy your drugs and completely fruitless lifestyle surfing the web from your mom's basement. I'm going to go back to school where I've been getting A's all week.

by Timstuff April 7, 2008

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