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Vagina Wrinkle

Like a penis wrinkle, but for a girl.

"you're a vagina wrinkle"

"no thats my girlfriend"

by Tina278 February 16, 2015

tissue burn

when you wipe too much and your nose gets red and inflamed

Jeff: "Yo, I'm going to the store, you need anything?"
Jackie: "Ya, get my some Puffs Plus Lotion, I got mad tissue burn."

by Tina278 July 27, 2015

tissue burn

when you get a cold & use so many tissues that your nose becomes irritated & burned

Jeff: "Hey Julie Chen, I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?"
Julie Chen: "Ya, pick me up some Puffs Plus Lotion, I got mad tissue burn."

by Tina278 July 26, 2015

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