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1.The up-coming word that you say when there is nothing but a hot steamy pile of FAIL building up.
2Achieving your goals.
3. something noobs say.

1.A child gets hit by a car, then a dog runs into the street and gets hit by the car backing up, and then another baby gets raped by Tom Green on acid. Suceed!
2.dood #1"dude i got into harvard!" "suceed!"
dood #2 "noob..."
3. self explanatory.

by Tinbeast. Otherwise CW........ March 9, 2009

7👍 38👎


1. something that marc, chad, matt(soon to be), george, jashadd, and deni scream in class.
2. a hockey term

1. Marc: "DANGLER"
Noobish teacher: "wh0 $@id th@t nbboish stuffles, lololol!"
and so on and so forth, until one of us get caught
2. *playing NHL on ps3* "AWW SHIT! I lost in the god forsaken shootout because my goalie was a DANGLER (drifted off the side of the post of the goal to add "coverage""!!!

by Tinbeast. Otherwise CW........ March 11, 2009