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A general collective stereotype for a person from the south of Dublin's Liffey river. Generally percieved to be posh.

All following descriptions are stereotypical perceptions:

Stereotypically from a wealthy Dublin suburb

Generally goes to a private school.

Speaks in a twangy accent which vears from posh Irish to mid Atlantic to mild English to American.

Girls typically wear O'Neills navy tracksuit bottoms with Dubarry boat shoes - dubes. Boys wear a lot of Abercrombie and Fitch, Leinster rugby jerseys.

Typified by the weekly Ross O'Carroll-Kelly column in The Sunday Tribune.

Has penchant for words 'omigod', 'like', 'ledge', 'fock', 'spa', 'totally', 'dude', 'roysh'

Hates Northsiders.

Frequents Wesley disco, Bondi, Club 92

"Omigod, seriously like, focking state, she thinks she's such a southsider, but she's actually from Ballybrack"
"Isn't that like totally on the southside?"
"not the real southside you focking spa."

by Tits McGinty September 23, 2006

29👍 35👎


slang used by pocket of Dublin southsiders

short for 'totally'

"I was T hammered last night"

"Do you want to go to Bondi?"

by Tits McGinty September 23, 2006

6👍 31👎

Ross O'Carroll Kelly

character in Paul Howard's Sunday Tribune column.

Satire on Dublin's southsider population.

Anagram of ROCK, Ross having frequented the fictional Castlerock school, presumably based on Blackrock school.

Can also be used as adjective, usually by southsiders themselves

"Ross O'Carroll Kelly is so focking hilarious"

"OMG, did you see Oscar, the was acting so focking Ross O'Carroll Kelly, it was loike, unfockingreal."

by Tits McGinty September 23, 2006

25👍 7👎