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The cena twister

When you get a titty twister from john cena

"My nipples hurt so bad after i got the cena twister used on me!"

by Tittyspanker47 November 3, 2016

Glaze hole

When you fuck the hole of a glazed donut until climax and then eat it to consume its strength

"I'm gonna stop by the donut store to get my self a glaze hole!"

by Tittyspanker47 January 23, 2017

Dick salad

When you get out the shower without shaving in weeks and your pubs look like seaweed.

"I should really should shave I'm starting to get dick salad down there"

by Tittyspanker47 January 22, 2017

1👍 4👎

Walrus syndrome

When your girls pussy looks like the mouth of a walrus.

"I wonder why I can't maintain a relationship"

"I guarantee it's because of your walrus syndrome"

"You might be right my pussy is pretty gross"


by Tittyspanker47 January 23, 2017

Balloon nuts

"When you put a condom on both your nuts to try and be funny but you just end up looking stupid"

"I tried to make her laugh with the Balloon nuts be she dident even smirk about them. What a bitch"

by Tittyspanker47 December 9, 2016

Titty burglar

A women who gets surgery on her tittys to look exactly identical to another women's titty

"That whore jescia is nothing but a big fat titty burglar"

by Tittyspanker47 January 21, 2017

Sack cycling

When your balls hang so low they get stuck in your bike pedals but you still pedaling like they ain't.

"That boys balls were so low i swear he was sack cycling that shit"

by Tittyspanker47 November 3, 2016