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A group of emos that go to an all girls catholic school. God speed

Omg i just saw a bangalo leave school

by Tizzle Wizzerler September 1, 2023

trudy moment

when you hit a guy in de balls spicically with a bike tire

I had a trudy moment i tried to hook up with a man witha child but i hit him in the ball

by Tizzle Wizzerler August 2, 2021


When you do the devils tango in a cluster

Im going to go clusterfuck with jimmy, sarah and john

by Tizzle Wizzerler March 31, 2021

Tizzle Wizzle

This is another form of saying startled or frightened. But must be said in a Britain accent.

"The fireworks Tizzle Wizzled me."

by Tizzle Wizzerler June 27, 2020