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P in da Butt

To insert your penis into a womans anal cavity. In other words, To Fuck a Bitch in the Ass.

I was knockin it down with Shoniqua last night, dawg.

Did she let you P in da Butt?

You know it.

by To- dawg October 3, 2006

167👍 221👎

knock it down

To have sex with a woman. Normally rough sex.

"Hey dawg, that hoe let me knock it down last night."

by To- dawg October 3, 2006

33👍 84👎

Boss Hog

To take over something, to steal the show, or to take what one wants.

Man that mother fucker came in here and just boss hogged all my beer!

by To- dawg October 3, 2006

42👍 17👎

donut fucker

A prank where a male slides his penis through the hole in a donut, then runs around his office asking if anyone wants a bite of his donut.

SALLY: I wonder where Bob is?
TOM: I think he went in the kitchen.
BOB: Does anyone want a bite of my donut?
SALLY: Oh, Bob, you're such a cutie.
TOM: I can't believe I fell for the old "Donut Fucker"

by To- dawg October 4, 2006

13👍 10👎

fuck your mamma

when "Fuck You" doesn't quite say it, try "Fuck your Mamma"
Even more emphasis can be added by adding a simple "Bitch" to the end of the phrase.

"Fuck your mamma, bitch"

by To- dawg October 3, 2006

17👍 8👎

hackberry reeboks

a pair of white rubber boots

Look at that dork, he's wearing hackberry reeboks

by To- dawg October 4, 2006

14👍 5👎