A mysterious and hidden society of extremely intelligent and mischievous pranksters. Originating from the western suburbs of Chicago, Blood-Hoof was created by âThe Council of Fiveâ. This council planed and executed most if not all of the early Blood-Hoof missions. Reports about the current movements or doings of this underground community are few and far between. As a rule of thumb reporters and local authorities avoid directly attacking the âCouncilâ or their operatives less their cars and homes be vandalized with burritos, plastic based cooking wraps, shaving creams, or other soap based products. Due to unfortunate incidents, such as the great syrup misfortune of â05, have led to the âcouncilâ to adopt a closed-door policy making it very difficult for prospected members to gain access. Blood-Hoof will remain a mystery as long as the societies leaders decide to keep it so, but until then the general public should know and recognize that no one is safe and no one should be trusted.
Shortly after this article the journalist responsible found his car covered in $1.99 âBurrito Bombsâ that could be found and purchased at any 7/11 convenience store. This raid was claimed by Blood-Hoof in the form of writen warning found on the hood of the car.
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