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An observed moment in a film or performance that is so awkward, cheesy, or clichéd that the viewer feels personally, nearly-mortally embarrassed for the performer.

A cringe-inducing moment of embarrassment sparked by seeing an awkward scene in a film.

Yang is distinct from merely empathizing with a character who is embarrassed in a scene in that yang is generated when the yang-inducing actor is not aiming to convey embarrassment, but does so by having to act out a terribly scripted idea or line of dialogue.

Noun: "Oh my god, that extended sequence in Spiderman 3 where Peter Parker becomes evil and suddenly learns to play the piano filled me with such yang, I couldn't watch!"

Adjective: "Ugh! The scene at the end of '4 Weddings and a Funeral' where Hugh Grant and Andy McDowell finally kiss and Hugh notes it's raining and Andy replies: "I hadn't noticed" is so yang-inducing."

by Todd De Monque April 28, 2008

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