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A political philosophy which asserts that the needs of society outweigh the rights of the individual.

The individual in such a society is at the mercy of the ruling elite since it is they who determine the needs of the society. Regardless of how the ruling elite come to power the end result is always the same - a Nanny State or a Police State. In the Nanny State the individual is treated like a child who is incapable of making decisions for himself. In a Police State the individual is treated like a criminal for thinking for himself. So whether the state is protecting you from yourself or protecting itself from you really doesn't matter. The end result is that there is no one protecting you from the state.

Some states which practiced socialism:
United Kingdom - Nanny State
Nazi Germany - Police State (Yes Nazis were socialists)
Soviet Union - Police State (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
Huge Chavez, Venezuala - Police State (only Hugo knows what's good for you)

by Todd Douglas Parsons October 29, 2008

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