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A god, a saint, an angel, an inspiration

Omg you’re such a DinkDankDonkChingChangChongGeorgeWashingtonStateOfAmerica

by Toe god August 16, 2018


When a young flexer is about to show their poor friends all the money they “made”

TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ omg hard work pays off so well I got paid $335.05

by Toe god August 16, 2018

2👍 3👎

Clout Egg

A clout egg is an icon. Clout eggs are cool beings that will make your life so much better.

Person: “omg look at that Clout Egg I look up to it it is my god”
Person 2: “omg I heard that if you shove an egg up it’s ass it will come out hard boiled”
Clout egg: “follow me on Instagram @meurfavegghead ”

by Toe god August 16, 2018


A fancy ass not necessary word for yellow

Person 1: omg I love your sweater it’s a cute colour
Person 2: it’s called ochre
Person 1: it’s mf yellow

by Toe god August 16, 2018