Aptakisic Jr. High School, is a school full of fake annoying ass people. Famously infamous for having literally the ugliest guys ever in terms of how they actually look, and how they act. It was supposed to be just 7th and 8th graders, but they had the best idea ever, to shove in 6th graders, and now it feels like there are infants running around screaming ur mom jokes. The lunch used to be really cool, but then COVID happened, and the teachers range from bearable, to complete ass. Itâs still to this day basically just a popularity contest, waiting to see which popular white kid says a racial slur first. Itâs a school that exists, and I hate it most of the time.
Jessica: hey, you know the school that almost had a stabbing
Jake: you mean Aptakisic Jr. High School?
Jessica: yeah that one!
Jake: yeah, my friend went there. He barely made it out.