Noun that describes how much of an effective ingredient is contained in a dose of homeopathic medicine. An antonym to megadose. If a megadose contains a billion molecules, a negadose contains one molecule. Contrary to certain claims, taking a negadose cannot consist of taking less than nothing.
There is no way that homeopathic remedy can work because the active ingredient has been diluted down to only one molecule, and such a negadose cannot possibly be effective.
Richsplaining: When a person who hasn't experienced poverty gives you patronizing advice on how to get out of poverty.
Working one job full-time for minimum wage will NOT get you out of a homeless shelter. But if you work two jobs, you will be late for check-in and the shelter won't let you in.
"You should just get a job if you don't want to be homeless" Richsplaining to the beggar.
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megadose n. An exceptionally large dose, as of a drug or vitamin.
Dr. Linus Pauling, the only two-time sole winner of a Nobel Prize, advocated taking a megadose of Vitamin C every day.
Antonym - see negadose
Nuggets of highest quality marijuana buds. Used to make butane-extracted hash oil (BHO) which can become Shatter.
Those Nug Run flowers were so potent, extracting those nugs produced possibly the most potent oil ever.
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