Source Code


friend, ghetto term for friend

yo man he's my homie

by Tommy May 3, 2003

1682πŸ‘ 876πŸ‘Ž


(n): Marijuana

weed, pot, refer, mary jane, sticky sticky

"Come on over to the party, there's gonna be beer, bitches, and Tron."

by Tommy March 26, 2003

38πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

shrimp boat captain

the master of shrimpin

Robbie is the shrimp boat captain of our class. He loves to shrimp

by Tommy May 18, 2004

18πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


1. A term to define hardcore and metalcore kids, mainly around demographics of 24 years old and under. These are the same kids who may be considered fashioncore, emo, hXc and etc. with their tight jeans as well long shags blindfolding their eyes.

2. A way of saying "cool" in definition #1's very perspective of relevance. It's used to express approval/acceptance usual to a scene kid by a scene kid.

1. Dude remember when Norma Jean toured with Through The Eyes of the Dead? That was the best scene show I've ever attended.

xxxCRYMEARIVERANDDROWNMYSELFxx: dude I just got the nevea tears album!

by Tommy January 18, 2005

377πŸ‘ 356πŸ‘Ž


Any person or thing moving at an uncontrolled, accelerated speed in a given direction.

That boy is peerolling down the hill.
I am peerolling down the highway.

by Tommy November 11, 2018


Any person or thing moving at an uncontrolled, accelerated speed in a given direction.

That boy is peerolling down the hill.
I am peerolling down the highway.

by Tommy November 11, 2018


a white boy who thinks he's black, hangs out with nothin but black people, wears baggy pants, talks slang, thinks he's a player, thinks he's a "homeboy", and uses "yo" too much, and thinks he's a gangster but he's really a wankster

yo, yo ,yo homeboy yo you heard dat new eminem junk yet yo

by Tommy February 15, 2004

132πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž