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Lewd Light Show

A lewd light show is when you pull down your pants and lay on your back, with your exposed rear end in the air. then, break open a bunch of glow-sticks, and pour the neon ooze inside of them, onto and/or around your anus region (it is recommended to have people assisting). then when the time is right, or for those more talented, you must fart. thus, launching the neon colors into the air, creating a beautiful array of colors showering down on you and your friends.

Man 1: yo man, did you catch the halftime show last night?!
Man 2: nah i missed it, what happened?
Man 1: aww it was amazing! after hannah montana finished her last song she called 30 kids onstage!! then all the lights went dim and we couldn't really tell what was going on, when all of a sudden the most beautiful blossom of lights exploded from where the stage had been. it was the most amazing and only surprise lewd light show i've ever seen, i nearly wept.

by Tommy Salami Masepracoddi October 30, 2009

10👍 6👎