Source Code

Van der Beek

To vanish without a trace.

Remember Matthew Lesko? He totally Van der Beeked.

by Tommy Wommy Womsters April 3, 2005

22πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Clitoral enlargement

What occurs when a woman takes a lot of steroids.

Dude, I have no tits, I talk like a man and I have back hair and major clitoral enlargement!

by Tommy Wommy Womsters May 22, 2003

45πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


*The* happy emoticon for anime fans.

(Note: It is unacceptable to use this particular emoticon unless you are:
1: being ironic
2: an anime fan
3: a Japanese female under the age of fourteen)

AZNGrrl3952: I got such a special Hello Kitty bag I got today! (^-^)
ILuvJapan693248: lolol (^-^)

by Tommy Wommy Womsters March 26, 2005

56πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Flava Flav

The coolest fucking rapper in the universe...well, him and Chuck D, both of whom are in seminal rap group Public Enemy.

Man, Flava Flav is funny. FUNNY LOOKIN'! WHAT,

by Tommy Wommy Womsters September 16, 2003

266πŸ‘ 261πŸ‘Ž

Public Enemy

A crazy buncha nigs who know can string rhymes together better than anyone!

Man, Public Enemy is really a talented bunch. Especially because Flava Flav wears a GIANT FUCKING CLOCK.

by Tommy Wommy Womsters September 16, 2003

312πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž


Something that is inherently unacceptable or nasty.

Your mom's vagass is raunchy.

by Tommy Wommy Womsters May 30, 2003

628πŸ‘ 413πŸ‘Ž


Something I KNOW you fuckin' do all the time.

You just luv the masturb8ion, don't you?

by Tommy Wommy Womsters September 28, 2003

44πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž