Activities that only Pavol regularly participate in. These activities include trying to visit all shoping centrums in city or listening weird music in pet shop.
Person 1 : Look, who is that guy ?
Person 2 : Oh shit, it is Pavol, hide, dont let him see us
Pavol : Hi, what are you doing here ?
Person 1 : we just sitting and chatting
Pavol : ok, i will join to you, but then i want to visit all shoping centums in city
Person 2 look at person 1 and smile
Pavol is leaving
Person 2 : what the fuck ?
Person 1 : oh yeah, its ok, he is just Pavoling
Word is used to describe act of looking at pics and videos of puppies with an intention to get to better mode. Mostly people are puppying when they are sad, but you can be puppying whenever you really want. Happiness is another most often mood while puppying
Person1 : *sends pictures of young gold retriever eating shoe to person 2
Person2 : Ohh, you are puppying, is everything ok ?
Person1 : well, not really
*right after hot moment person1 starts puppying
person2 : was i so bad that you started puppying ?
person1 : Nah sweetie, it was so nice that i have to look to puppies