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Own / Owning & Anything related to it.

The original owner would and is 'gravity' by scientific order of the creation of 'things'/big bang. No one can realistically negotiate the transfer of owning with 'gravity'. So the second owner would be the 'stars' and their photons, until the last photon from the 'star' has been exhausted and no longer exists as the 'star' the ownership can be declared from the living being who is the first currently living being.

However the ownership realistically can / almost never can be declared by any living being, because where there is photons there is the possibility of life. Unless the planet, rock and any other debris in space that hasn't been hit by any photons by the 'star'. Known as the void, the black holes and the space pockets that no light can reach.

Human or any other living being cannot own the 'bodies because of the photons, and the microscopic cells that were transferred from the last owner 'gravity', then 'stars'. Cell's that can not talk unless they evolved to talk, they cannot represent all of the cells in the 'body'. Finally reaching the argument of consciousness is the temporary owner of nothing, unless it tries to own anything, it will kill itself, because gravity exist anywhere, and photons can exist anywhere in the living zone's. (Unless they are no longer bound by 'death').

Jorge you know you can't 'Own / Owning & Anything related to it. anything', because photons and gravity owns you! LUL

by Totally Not Anonymous June 7, 2021