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A good advancement and a good development and a good addition.

In terms of Pros andor Cons, and complication, a pro complication hence proplication as distinct from conplication.

Some of those games run on a varietal mix of proplications andor conplications

by TranslogicMultisonance February 16, 2023


A combination of good and evil combinations
Good good
Evil evil
Good evil
Evil good
Evil moderate
Good moderate
Which goes to 12 however several words haven't been invented yet?
Also a multidimensional reality (not always cheap polarity math) that might host twisted virtue andor redeeming sin.
So what of when some virtues are crimes and some sins are enforced?... decary
A mishistorialogical misphenomenon currently exists that a high court of a countrys commonwealth acts on law and not merits.

Decary. Some fool got fooled by this once. And tried to... curse? Then a defender tried to... curse?
But the curses were also amoungst saves.

So as per D.S.M.O. and Kingdom of Heaven quote 'you cannot stand before God and say I wasn't afforded that virtue' (ish quote) some might have failed and "proferred" a primary school excuse response, or even more curses?!
I suggest be transcendent beyond cons and intuitive and hope that You aren't ever met with an unsatisfactory decary

by TranslogicMultisonance January 8, 2024

WhiteHatting In Real Life

Heroic development, good, transcendent good, progressiveistic good, advanced good, worthwhile developmental good beyond the boundaries of computing systems and applied in reality and real life
(Not only penetrative testing amends nor overbrawn, yet perhaps (yet not only) advanced defense (not to only juxtapose defence andor offence)
The majority of the systems, if healthy and functional, doesn't operate by way of BlackHat but rather by way of Whitehat as nighany blackhatting in a perfect system is seen as an error full aberration

Once I focused on WhiteHatting In Real Life I feel that karmicly I can righteously enjoy Transcendent peace

by TranslogicMultisonance January 27, 2023

Multi Quotient

Intelligence, spiritual intelligence, emotional, social, spiritual light, andor even cosmic quotients
Some aren't formulated as of now yet, and some are andor aren't pertinent

A country's wealth and intelligence quotient correlation is a strong indicator of compounding interrelations, fortunately so are correlations of Aeonhood and multi quotient amoungst realms and planes and dimensions

by TranslogicMultisonance January 8, 2024


Occlusive self worldliness of world views.
Object impermanence except with worldbuild facets and gnosis of partitioned andor nonpartitioned realities aspects.
To be metaphorically blindfolded against what you know andor have known of your wholistic perspective.

Oh it's a plane!
But The Pentagon admitted UFOs and UAPs exist
Oh so it might be a UFO... what else is purported to exist?
What have you known before but couldn't believe even if knowing which makes worldliness compartmentalisation and worldview compartmentalised? What are some ramifications?

Some say that Deep Underground Installations even jeep their staff on a need to know basis even with holistic projects rather than Full Access so that leads to a compartmentalisation cultural dissonance even if hyper intelligent

by TranslogicMultisonance October 17, 2023


A positive and enhancing metric andor actualisation andor facet. Can also be referred to as 'degrees of freedom' andor 'actualities of freedom' especially if positive - including capacities and supports and context and protext which can range from wealth to spiritual wealth to skill to friends to kalopsia to selfactualisation to enjoyment to anything if it involves 'optimal' somewhat. That which constitutes a freeform proficiency and freeform also. An element of good and freedom.

Some conclude that costs and financial bills are parameters of functional civilisation participation, yet the optimeters of a more advanced civilisation including freer energy and omniquotient uplifts through healthcare accrue and attain optimeters in place of those former parameters, which protributes towards higher and more proficient self-actualisations and inter-self-actualisations

by TranslogicMultisonance May 31, 2023

full scale consciousness

Multidimensional consciousness of sapience, sentience, and sophonce.

Capable of experiencing and making conscious instances.
A monad (whole unit) of consciousness.
Also perhaps can be worldly of most kinds of advanced worlds and more.
A high-form high-consciousness.
Has an adequate rating of omniquotience (intelligence, sensory, social, emotional, creative, energy, and more quotients).
A post-exponentia of consciousness kind scale that can also be attributed to clear humans and isn't necessarily restricted to only extradimensionals, however might be expected of them.

A complete (holistically complete*) consciousness of a dimensional level.
A consciousness of a full scale.

Some tried transcending the levels of consciousness to attain full scale consciousness and many were helped by many full scale consciousnesses too, and not only through generative drugs and astral travel and multidimensional downloads of varying moderate andor high success.

by TranslogicMultisonance May 31, 2023