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Pretzel-n.- A woman or man that is small in stature and overall body mass, with the naturally reoccurring gymnastic like flexibility to pick right up off the ground and condense into a maliable dough, during intercourse and hammer down. Usually lifted at as extreme as 180° bends by the 'pretzels' knee joints. Followed by wrapping their arms around their own legs. This allows for maximum hammer time.

Ex. Person 1: Hi, so nice to meet you. I absolutely love pretzels

Person 2: (in absolute speechless confusion) great?

Person 1: Pretzel fuck. A pretzel. You're a Pretzel.

Person 2: Jesus Christ.

Person 1: hey you're a pretzel
Person 2: I'm sorry I'm a what?

Person 1: I'd Pretzel fuck the shit out of you.
Person 2: my God you need Jesus.

by Travey James January 6, 2020