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Henry Dorsey

He is the gayboy who says Shrek every 2 seconds and he likes dick but he can't even pull men

Jo was having a bad day but it was about to get worse. He heard a loud "Shrek" from the back of the room. He knew it was Henry Dorsey and his only friend and fellow gayboy Alex Smith. He heard a gay snickering and he turned around. Just then his slideshow was filled up with images of Shrek and his whole project was ruined. Later that day he saw Henry after school and he beat the shit out of him. This made everyones life better.

by Travis Onquantavichris August 17, 2022

3👍 1👎

Bitch ass liam

Liam has the ass of a hot women

"Is that bitch ass liam"
No it's a girl
Oh actually it is liam

by Travis Onquantavichris August 17, 2022