Source Code

One upper

A person who hates to be out done. So out of jealousy or hate, whether made up or true has a one upping comment or action to try to make them selves look better.

Example: 1 one upper

Billy shoots wild game and is happy so he posts a pic on face book of his reward from all the hard work.

Billy's friend sees post and is jealous so he post a larger animal he shot illegally years ago.


Billy buys acreage to hunt and doesn't let others so he can fill his freezer and not anyone elses because he worked so hard for it with out help.

Billy's friend gets jealous buys land while going in to extreme debt he can't really afford.

Example :3

Billy buys a new car because he never has had one before and has the excess cash to do so.

Billy's friend buys one aswell but bigger , while going in to debt he really can't afford.


Billy tells a true life experience about building car engines and racing.

Billy's friend tells a story trying to one up and completely over exaggerates saying he's won racing trophies, but has never had his lieing ass in a race car.

by Tre81 November 5, 2017