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Hittin the woods

Having sex. Making babies.

Vic and that one guy went hittin the woods yesturday

by Trent Pettyjohn April 29, 2007

1👍 6👎


A non specific feeling, usually consisting of more than one feelings.

When I broke up with my girlfriend I felt a sense of minoy.

by Trent Pettyjohn April 29, 2007

7👍 2👎

Window Hopper

One who gos window hopping. Usually found in areas consisting of mostly dorm rooms.

Gen wanted to have a nice night with Mike, so Gen went window hopping into Mikes room. Therefor, Gen is a window hopper.

by Trent Pettyjohn April 29, 2007

2👍 2👎

Window Hopping

Getting into a place by going through the window.

When Gen got home her house was locked and she had forgotten her keys in the house, so she had to go window hopping to get inside.

by Trent Pettyjohn April 29, 2007

5👍 2👎