Curly Haired Constipated Fuck is one of the tributes from The Hunger Games. He is played by Ethan Jamieson, and his "nickname" arose from the tumblr blog "badlydrawnhungergames" who fell in love with him and named him Curly Haired Constipated Fuck.
I love Curly Haired Constipated Fuck!
An awesome girl who is full of energy and always wants to have a good time
Lawrjenn: life of the party Γ°ΒΒΒ
A very entertaining and fun to be around girl with lots of energy and is always finding away to make you laugh
Marley:funniest person ever
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Protective of her friends and doesnΓ’ΒΒt really know anything bad about high school and likes to say cool beans while listening to 50s to 90s music
Your such a Marley
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Is crazy stupid but very sweet just don't get him drunk. He's really good at flirting with girls and loves the colors green, black, white and red is good at making friends and knows how to be a lady's man
Mallory is a awesome friend and sibling but she can be a butt sometimes. She always has your back no matter what and she is always happy . Loves basketball and hanging out with her team.
To my little sis Mallory
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Tittie Sucking Bitch is a TSB for your stupid ass friends
Your a TSB