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(nor-wee-jaa) noun

1. The way the PCOO (Preferring Coconuts Over Others), refer to the beautiful country of Norway.

2. Creating a new country by raising the level of misspelling to a science.

Because Indonesians come from Indonesia, and Russians come from Russia, Norwegians come from Norwegia.

"The Beatles just re-released their song 'Norwegia Wood.'" -- Reg Ramos

The Unity Nations just added Norwegia as its newest member.

by Tribz June 14, 2018

8👍 1👎


(nor-wee-jaa) noun

1. The way the PCOO (Preferring Coconuts Over Others), refer to the beautiful country of Norway.

2. Creating a new country by raising the level of misspelling to a science.

Because Indonesians come from Indonesia, and Russians come from Russia, Norwegians come from Norwegia.

"The Beatles just re-released their song 'Norwegia Wood.'" -- Reg Ramos

by Tribz June 14, 2018