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Fugazi is a derivation from an Italian word fugazi, "fake". Nothing, it's gone, none existent, no such thing exists

Mark Hanna: It’s all a fugazi. Do you know what fugazi is?
Jordan Belfort: Fugazi, it’s a fake…
Mark Hanna: Yeah, fugazi, fogazi. It’s a wazi, it’s a woozi. It’s…fairy dust. It doesn’t exist, it’s never landed, it is no matter, it’s not on the elemental charge. It’s not fucking real.
Jordan Belfort: Right.
Mark Hanna: Alright?
Jordan Belfort: Right.
-The Wolf Of Wall Street

by Tricaratope womb raider January 1, 2017

5👍 4👎


A traditional Turkish greeting where a grandmother interlocks her toes with her granddaughters.

when you fill a vagina with baking flour, piss in it, and then fuck it until it turns to dough.

“that chick was like a baker last night.”

“Wym bro?”
“I mean it filled her with flour and turned her to dough.”

“Woah bro how did you think of that?”

“I didn’t. It actually has a name: öbeldüç“

by Tricaratope womb raider July 3, 2024

Brown Nail

Remembers of shit left under your finger nail after a scat party.

A badly bruised nail bed caused by pressuring the prostate.

“Hey bros how’s it going?”
*hand shake*

“Not too bad how about you?”
“Dude… what’s up with your nails? And what’s that smell?”
“I just finished up a dung festival?”

“A what?”

“A scat party!”

“Ew man! You got brown nail.”

by Tricaratope womb raider July 3, 2024

Fizzy Frenulum

When a guy tucks a mento in his foreskin and sticks his dick in a bottle of Coke while ejaculating at the same time.

“Hey dude what’s with the burns on your dick?”

“Oh I was just doing the ole Fizzy Frenulum last night.”
“Oh yea, what’s that brah?”
“It’s when I peel back my foreskin and tuck a mento under my sheath and then I let my foreskin roll over my glands and mento all the way back to the tip. Then I edge my shaft until I near climax at which time I submerge my throbbing, swollen, little member into the mouth of a 2 L of Coke. The force of my ejaculation and exploding Coke repel each other until I fly through the air back into my bed.”

“Wow bud. Maybe you should talk to someone about that”
*pats back, walks away*

by Tricaratope womb raider July 3, 2024


The word you say when you laughing very hard whilst getting your feet tickled.

R: *tickle tickle tickle*

by Tricaratope womb raider December 2, 2020