An amazing feeling. When you are really high at all levels you may find your self being completely different than normal, and having near no control over it, or rather you don't want to control it because it feels so warm and fuzzy inside you just want to stare blankly..and it sometimes happens that way. If you are with experienced users they usually have a lot of control. you will often get very quizzical looks. everything is extremely funny. if you play a video game for example while you are very high, your friends may notice you shooting into the sky, or absolutely nothing at all rather than the invading enemies with assault rifles. your vision can get massively colorful, for certain individuals. most often many people can easily get tunnel vision, as described above. your balance can also be very off. you may find yourself unable to stand and walk appropriately. also very deep, deep thoughts about the simplest things. many people feel a sense of warmth, at every vein and joint. it is also good to not go into public for unexperienced users. But, there is some negative affects; a user can have a bad high. this "bad" can be described by intense paranoia of being caught, panic attacks, and a headache. when you're high everything is a wont remember much in the morning, but the feeling is intense.
Bob: Wow what is Joe doing? He keeps staring off into space.
Alex: Must be high, of course
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