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The smug attitude exuded by many Prius owners and Hollywood celebrities who claim they are single-handedly saving the environment. Combines the much over-used word "green" with "ego".

When Al Gore flew his private jet to the global warming, his greego was overwhelming.

by Trojanman21 December 1, 2009


Republican according to Democrats:
1) always rich and has a hatred for people who aren't
2) always white and racist
3) loves war and is looking to start one
4) for some reason doesn't like abortions (they must be evil)
Republican according to Republicans:
1) people should work hard if they expect to earn money instead of looking to others for money (maybe many rich people are republican because of their work ethic?)
2) the party was started on the basis of abolishing slavery, Southern Democrats were the ones against it
3) of all the wars in America's history, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War were all started by Democrats. The Gulf War and the current war are the only ones started by Republicans.
4) are confused by how most liberals are fine with killing 9 month old fetuses but not with killing terrorists or murderers

I went on urban dictionary and learned how Republicans are apparently spawned by Satan

by Trojanman21 December 1, 2009

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