Another going-to-be-underrated show rereleased in America in a completely shitty version. HOLY CRAP!
The minute I saw the American version I was like, "Holy shit, you cannot put that kinda shitty music to a cool cartoon to make it cooler, it makes it shitty, and why the hell did they cut out half the freaking series?"
I can predict there will be no character development with any of the new characters, and no further development with the old characters, because all of that has been taken out.
Goku is not the same character as he was in DB or DBZ as he is in DBGT.
But American halfwits with billions of dollars screwed the whole show up.
One of the American episode titles is still in Japanese!
I saw the Dragon Ball GT series in Japanese with subtitles. The entire series, mind you. I know what the hell I am talking about.
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