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When used as a name:
1)A person who usualy has bad luck.
2) One (usually female) that commonly rebels. May be a trouble maker.

3) A mocking name to call one that usually has bad luck, is clumzy, or all out has a bad time.

When used as a noun:
1) a curse or omen that leads to bad luck.

As a verb:
1) to wish upon bad luck on another.

1) "I feel sorry for Rose... She's a bit of a Jinx ..."
2) I met up with jinx at school today... She jumped on the teachers desk and called her a muggle...
3) I'm often called jinx due to how often I trip... Most of the time on absolutely nothing or random, yet distant objects.

I felt as if a jinx was put on me.
Person 1 and 2: Sup.
Person 3: jinx on the both of you. Soda. Pay up.
Person one and two: darn.

And several more.

by TsukiandJinx195 May 20, 2016

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