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good time charlie

A person whose only goal is to have a good time, and they are good at it. They are the absolute best to hang out with but at the same time you can tell they will amount to nothing in life.

Last night we were sitting around and nothing was happening until my best bro arrived and I don't really remember what happened next except there was definitely a naked lady kegstand contest somewhere around 6am before I passed out.

I heard he got fired for puking on his boss when he went in at 9:00. His mom says he's gonna end up just a good time charlie like his dad, but damn I love partying with that guy.

by Tuff Luff April 23, 2012

112👍 29👎

Around the World

A type of party which commonly takes place in co-ops, dorms, fraternities, apartment complexes and other situations with a lot of people living together. Observed frequently at UT Austin (#1 PARTY SCHOOL) but known to occur elsewhere.

Each resident mixes up a big batch of a different kind of cocktail or shot, and the entire party moves from room to room, stopping to have a round in each one. Often, people will decorate their stop according to a theme, or have games to play. A great way to really get to know your housemates and the source of the worst hangovers known to mankind (think mixing large quantities of every kind of cheap liquor and vast numbers of sugary mixers). Also known as "Liqu or Treat"

"Around the world party at our house on Friday!"
"BAD ASS. I'll clear Saturday, stock up on Chaser and bust out my dancing shoes."

by Tuff Luff January 20, 2007

34👍 133👎

Around the World

A type of party which commonly takes place in co-ops, dorms, fraternities, apartment complexes and other situations with a lot of people living together. Observed frequently at UT Austin (#1 PARTY SCHOOL) but known to occur elsewhere.

Each resident mixes up a big batch of a different kind of cocktail or shot, and the entire party moves together from room to room, stopping to have a round in each one. Often, people will decorate their stop according to a theme, or have games to play. A great way to really get to know your housemates and the source of the worst hangovers known to mankind (think mixing large quantities of every kind of cheap liquor and vast numbers of sugary mixers). Also known as "Liqu or Treat"

"Hey man, around the world party on Friday"
"BAD ASS. I'll clear Saturday, stock up on Chaser and bust out my dancin' shoes"

by Tuff Luff January 22, 2007

30👍 122👎