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poll sucker

Someone who relies heavily on political or other polls. Even though the media conducts polls on a seemingly daily basis, it is hard to find anyone who has actually been contacted, or knows someone who has. This tends to support the theory that pollsters are actually the guy who passes the bong to the journalist as they snicker like school girls over their snow job.

The poll sucker, however, views polls as infallible. They will even quote poll numbers in an argument.

Shirley: "Wow, Dick Cheney's approval rating is higher than Obama's!"

Lou: "Don't be such a poll sucker. Someone pulled those figures out of their butt."

by Tuftskins June 2, 2009

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(verb); also "Farrowed"

To put under a love spell. To completely intoxicate and arouse with a combination of mystery, humor, wit, sexiness, intelligence, spark, and dark passion.

Matt: "Roger, what's up with you? You look like you're on Cloud fucking 9!"

Roger: "Ahh, I have been Farrowed, my friend. Sooo nice!"

by Tuftskins March 20, 2010

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sausage saloon

A bar whose inhabitants are almost entirely male. Sausage saloons differ from gay bars in that the clientele is straight; mostly working stiffs and pensioners enjoying a cold one. Not bad places to hang out, but don't go there looking to score chicks.

Moe's Tavern would be a classic example.

Dan: "Damn, that 90-year old barmaid is the only chick in here!"

Tony: "Yeah, this is a sausage saloon. Let's finish our beers and check out the action at that place down the street."

by Tuftskins December 9, 2009

turd insecurity

A public restroom phenomenon in which the turd dumper needs complete privacy in order to do their thing. The presence of another person in the adjacent stall, or even the restroom, will cause sphincters to pucker to less than a 1 cm.

This is especially true if the turd dumper knows he/she is going to have an embarrassing explosive turd, complete with lots of gas and splashing sounds.

Two persons with turd insecurity in adjacent stalls results in a very uncomfortable , time consuming experience for both. A solution is to flush the toilet in sync with dumping the turd, hopefully masking the dump.

His sphincter tight with turd insecurity, Steve hoped the person in the next stall would leave. In the next stall, Mark harbored the same hopes.

by Tuftskins April 30, 2009

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A very noisy, irritating dog which barks incessantly, usually during hours when Dracula stalks, for any or no reason.

If that barkbag doesn't shut up, I'm calling the cops!

by Tuftskins May 1, 2009

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hippie strip

A striptease performed by a hippie chick.

That girl I picked up at the Phish show did this awesome hippie strip, then we fucked, got stoned, and fucked some more.

by Tuftskins May 1, 2009

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A fart released on an airplane in flight. Such flatulence is doubly rude due to the crowded confines of an airplane and well, rolling down the window just isn't an option.

The person releasing the ass gas can also be called a skystinker, although other derogatory names come to mind first.

Peeeeew! That jerk in 23-A just ripped a nasty skystinker!

by Tuftskins May 1, 2009

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