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Word used in replica subreddits, wtc stands for "where to cop".

Yo wtc those jordan 4's ?

by TutiFrutti May 22, 2021

9👍 2👎

rich loser

A rich loser is a term that refers to someone who has a lot of money but lacks other aspects of life, such as love, family, happiness or respect. The term is often used as an insult or a joke by people who are envious or critical of the wealthy person's lifestyle. One example of a rich loser is Drake, a famous rapper who is 35 years old and has no wife or family. Some people may think that Drake is a rich loser because he spends his money on lavish parties, cars and women, but does not have a stable or meaningful relationship with anyone.

Dude is a rich loser and everyone could see that if it weren't for the money

by TutiFrutti April 7, 2023


Chinkz is pretty much short for "chinky". Which is a racial slur used to insult Chinese people.

Chinkz is some stupid racist name that he gave himself.

by TutiFrutti December 19, 2021


Word used mainly in fashion replica subreddits, find means a new replica product, or store.

Yo can you send me the new finds list made by Cedaz.

by TutiFrutti May 22, 2021