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Hobbit Rock

Hobbit Rock is term used to refer to late '60s and early-to-mid '70s prog rock, or most any music group that includes fantasy, fairy tale, medieval and related lyrics, imagery or sounds. Many songs and/or albums by Led Zeppelin, Jethro Tull, Yes, King Crimson, Rush, Gentle Giant and others. The music is characterized by rapid tempo changes, rushed flourishes, folky breaks, long solos, exuberant stage sets and costumery, and instruments such as lutes, flutes, glockenspiels, pipes and crumhorns; i.e. a perfect expression of goofy 1970s rock excesses. While technically proficient and rather endearing as a time capsule, most of the bands associated with Hobbit Rock went downhill by the 1980s and suffered from weak songwriting and regrettable production values shared by other contemporary acts, such as stereotypical '80s-era guitar and drum effects. Hobbit Rock was especially popular in Italy, and enjoyed enduring popularity with nerds and libertarians.

You hear them flutes an' sh*t? They sure play a lot of that Hobbit Rock on this station.

by Twalls March 8, 2017

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The "BoomerLib" is a highly self-assured person of Baby Boomer age or older holding views promoted by corporate media (CNN, MSNBC, major TV networks and their anchors), left-leaning celebrities (George Takei, Alyssa Milano, Bette Midler, Rob Reiner) and organs of the U.S. Democratic Party. Communicates in partisan, in-group talking points. Pretends to be part of a "Resistance" movement, but supports security state apparatus (CIA, FBI, et al) in order to suppress the out-group. Often angry and hostile to independent thinkers and third parties.

Social media behavior includes posting memes with shallow humor, hyperbole and jail fantasies (particularly obsessed with "getting" Donald Trump). Complains about politicians of the other party going on vacation or golfing. Oblivious to controversies raised by the opposing side and to excesses of their own. Insists that unfavorable election results are due to Russian interference and that anyone with right-leaning opinions is a "Russian bot" or conspiracy theorist. Believes that the U.S. Capitol riot on January 6, 2021 was an event worse than 9/11 or U.S. Civil War. Exhibits difficulty in grasping satire or mockery and incapable of self-reflection or self-criticism. Synonyms: BlueAnon, BlueMAGA

The "BoomerLib" is the near mirror image of the "BoomerCon," (right-wing Boomer and older), an archetype prone to similar communication style: partisan talking points, trafficking in daily outrage, cringey memes and odd capitalization.

My aunt is such a BoomerLib. She's always got MSNBC on and says she can't wait for Trump to go to jail.

by Twalls December 11, 2022