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Joshler is the pairing of the two best human beings alive, Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph of the best musical duo ever, Twenty One Pilots. Joshler is most definitely the best ship to ever happen. I mean, have you SEEN them together??? If you have, you know what I mean. Okay Clique, we all know we ship joshler, maybe as a bromance, but also as a romance. The constant hugs and kisses on the cheek, the more than one time ty slapped josh’s booty, the sweatshirts (u know the ones) , the “I love yous”, holding hands, etc. Honestly, I could write for days and I still wouldn’t have enough time to list all the joshler proof. Just trust me, they belong together. And if I could I would literally sell my soul to Satan (aka dat boi beebo) to make this ship a reality. Too bad school has already stolen my soul. Oh well, they may not be dating (publicly at least lol) but their frenship is unbeatable and no one can argue that. Obsessive fan girl, out.

How tf could you not ship Joshler? They obviously belong together.

by Twenty one pilots!At the Disco April 8, 2018

59👍 3👎