A full auto mag dump with a VZ-52 sub machine gun where the first ejected brass case doesn't hit the ground before the bolt locks back due to the weapons high cyclic rate.
Comrade, I have eliminated the enemy of the state with a czech golden shower.
Your Comrade: AH Excellent. We didn't have room in the gulags anyways. Too many disinformation spreaders are proving their loyalty in Siberia.
A 20 Round full auto mag dump from a VZ-61 where the 1st ejected case does not hit the ground until the bolt locks back due to the weapons high cyclic rate. Note: This only makes sense with nice brass case ammo.
Comrade, I have given the enemy of the state the czech golden shower.
Your comrade: Ah excellent. The gulags are full from all the disinformation spreaders anyways. He won't recover from a 20 round mag of .32 acp.