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Teradactyl: a sex manuver in which, right before the male ejaculates, he brings the blanket over his shoulders and flaps his "wings" against the female.

Rob did one helluva teradactyl last night...

by Tyger March 16, 2005

112👍 115👎


different way of saying "off the hook/heezy"

Man motha fucka that shit was off da heezout!

by Tyger August 18, 2003

Damn sexy couple

Ty and Illya Nigel-Ian Laney

"Man, deyz a DAMN SEXY COUPLE!!"

by Tyger March 12, 2003

10👍 37👎

an den

chinese accented "And Then"

"you wan wha? ok ok, an den....???"

by Tyger March 12, 2003

19👍 16👎


Dirty-minded young woman; young woman who exploits and corrupts older men.

"Damn man, that mohmoh took my money and my virginity"

by Tyger January 17, 2005

7👍 4👎