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Her body is flawless, she may be thicc but she’s just strong! She is such an amazing girl! Yeh if you be an asshole to her she will be it back! Yana always put others in front of her... ( some people ) Yana is such a loyal person, once she dates someone she can’t let them go! She is always trustworthy but can’t tell the truth if she doesn’t want her friends to get hurt! Yana has an amazing imagination! So boys don’t let her go once you get her! Always listen to her! She always is good a gaming and art (not drawing😂)

by Tyler, Jessica, Maddison, bill October 11, 2018

288👍 29👎


She is an amazing person. She usually comes in bright blue eyes, long brown hair, short, perfect eyebrows, small lips but can still put on a show. She is quite popular, so if you want her attention you have to try hard. She can be bipolar, she will either love you one minute, or hate you. She is extremely ADHD, never stops moving. But she is beautiful. She doesn’t feel it, but she is. She is so peng and deserves to be treated like loyalty.

boy 1: who is that?
girl 1: i have no idea?
yana’s bsf: that is my gorgeous bestfriend.
boy 2: she is stunning.

girl 2: i wish i was her.

by Tyler, Jessica, Maddison, bill March 7, 2021

2👍 2👎