A branch of the military, without whom you wouldn't be able to talk shit about them, so we all need them. Kick ass guys, and I'll be over there to kick some soon. Oooooorah.
A Marine can kick any SEAL's ass, and don't even get me started on the fucking Army.
211👍 215👎
Military is something that dedicated people join because they want to kill some dot-heads. Like me, i'm a sgt in the USMC.
"Lets join the military so we can put a bullet through Osama's head."
362👍 672👎
Just think of the dumbest, terrets havin, retard. A person who has red-lined their car while going in reverse, and now has to put the car in neutral so he can push it out of the parking spot backwards.
Stout keeps sayin "fuck" cuz he has terrets.
I also know the asshole mentioned above.
7👍 37👎