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An intense 13 week Russian squat program that will destroy you, and make you reborn into a squatting monster, like a phoenix of swoleness.

Depending on experience and a trainee's size, the Smolov program can add up to a hundred pounds to your squat if you do it to a T.

Weeks 1-2 Intro Cycle
Week 3-6 Base Cycle
Week 7-8 Switching Style
Week 9-13 Intensity cycle (this is where the alphas are separated from the betas.)

Guy 1: How did you get your squat up to 600 Pounds?!

Guy 2: I ran Smolov, what else?

by Tyrannosaurus Flex June 26, 2014

11👍 1👎


Back in the day, Disneyland had you buy tickets according to the things you wanted to see, and it's prices were extremely affordable - rather than a whole month's salary as they are now. However, once Walt Disney died, the theme park started to go down hill from there.

This is how we have arrived at a theme park that claims to be the happiest place on Earth, yet:

1) Over populates the park by 3 times as much people as should be allowed in, effectively ensuring your elbow will be touching someone else's elbow for the next 10 hours.

2) Overprices EVERYTHING. From tickets that are near a hundred dollars a piece, to food and merchandise that is 5 times the price it should be, if you have money to burn, Disney can do that for you.

What is Disneyland?

The greediest place on Earth.

by Tyrannosaurus Flex June 27, 2014

40👍 14👎