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The biggest fail in all the land. The people that took the time (however little) to make this are complete idiots. This game, by no means, deserves the title of mmorpg; it's a want-to-be game. Jagex found a way to make the most boring fail of a game possible. Physics are non-existant, graphics are about the equivalent of Super Nintendo (at best) and the most action-packed attack has no explosions, just a woom, boom and a little poof of light. Im sorry, but if you think Jagex is actually a good developer, you are almost as noob as they are. The average age of every player is like 7, and they all think they're cool because they can right click on objects over and over and over again for HOURS. If you have so much time, don't waste it with Runefail, play WOW! World of Warcraft is a good game and once you play it you'll never want to hear the name Runescape again. And yes, i have a high lvl main and a high lvl pureist on Runescape, which is currently taking up 6 hours of my life every day.

I hate the fact that my favorite game is Runescape.

I don't even like it anymore, but I just can't stop!... Someone help me!

by Tyrone James Johnson Jr. November 9, 2006

28👍 30👎


A loud burst of masculinity that defines you as a person and a man. All hail the bellow, for the thunder it creates makes all beings quiver with love and fear. The bellow expresses life, nothing would exist without it. It is said that the world was spoken into existance by god; he grabbed his belt, thrust his head back and bellowed with all his might. The bellow is a greeting, an expression of complete and total ownage and is completely receivable by all.

(Thrusting with belt-in-hand, shouting will the deepest voice you can muster) BEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOWWWW!!!

Or, bellow!, how are you today

PWN!, Beeeeeeellllloooowww!!!

by Tyrone James Johnson Jr. October 25, 2006

51👍 30👎


This game is like an improved version of the R.L. Infact, I gave up a very large portion of my summer for the soul purpose of being able to engulf myself in this false reality (aka, i got a job, and spent $1,500 on a computer in order to play LOTRO). This is the first MMORPG to actually have a good story -line (shock!), not to mention the unbelievable graphics considering the scope of the game. So yea, umm...this game PWNS!!! and to all of you WOW fanatics...I've already converted a few of your kind and I'm coming after you next!!

Hmmm...what's the greatest MMORPG ever made...yep, LOTRO!

by Tyrone James Johnson Jr. October 20, 2007

123👍 22👎