A toxic program democrat voters, the Left and feminists, mainly millennials, apply whenever their ultra sensitive feelings get hurt or slighted, even when it's true. The truth can be fact just don't let it be a harsh truth or mean because it will be boycotted because feeling over facts.
But you cannot cancel culture them because it'll mean you're either sexist, racist, homophobic or a combination of the 3. Which will in turn cause you to be cancelled. It's a false win-win for them. They get the illusion of silencing those whom disagree with them politically and also, play pretend victim when it's used on them so others can be seen as the bad guy. It's a freakishly faux-genius plan that we can all see through it but still entertain it so as to let the ridiculousness of it fizzle out on it's own, as it has already.
Normal person in 1990: Those 2 slices of pepperoni pizza made me feel fat.
Liberal in 2022: Whoa! He used the word fat as a form shaming language 22 years ago while on home video. Cancel culture time. Let's ruin him. Call his job and have him fired. Contact the bank that gave him his mortgage and boycott them, Put his home address online, and screw it, lets call him racist and sexist too. The media will support us.
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