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(adjective) Commonly used as a verb to describe the action of placing one's penis betwixt a female's butt cheeks to resemble a hotdog, the adjective form is used to describe the state of the male during an attempt at intercourse:

The said man is so drunk from a night of boozing (see "whiskeydick"), his attempt to penetrate the girl is thwarted by his two-thirds erect penis. Full erection is impossible to obtain, so usually the man grabs his dick and tries to force it in, with no avail. The rigidity of the dick resembles that of a thawed hotdog, and full penetration never occurs due to the lackluster hardness, leaving the man and woman frustrated.

1. Ben: "So did you hook up last night? You looked pretty hammered when you left.."
Curran: "Dude, I was. I couldn't actually do it, I just hotdogged her for about twenty minutes and then gave up."
Ben: "Man, I'm sorry I hate when that happens."

2. Ratsnake: "C'mon, get it in there, what the fuck are you doing?!"
Chris: "I'm trying just hold on"
Ratsnake: "Are you hotdogging right now?! You've got to be fucking kidding me!"
Chris: "Fuck this, I'm going to bed."

by UF-FL UPS February 4, 2010

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