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The word you use when you can't remember the name of an object (never a person)

"You know, the thing you use to turn the TV on, the doubrey"

by UK Ted Smith November 7, 2007


An adjective to describe someone who has done something idiotic. Used in East Anglia in England, deriving from the Colchester (town) Severals Hospital for insane or mentally retarded people

"You sev" shouted at someone who has just done something really stupid

by UK Ted Smith November 8, 2007

11👍 20👎

sent to Coventry

English phrase used in England to describe a person who is being cold shouldered or ostracised or ignored beacuae they have done something that has upset a group of friends, eg by doing something not accepted as within the social norm such as snitching on them

Jo has been sent to Coventry

by UK Ted Smith November 8, 2007

45👍 5👎