RESHAD is the most popular 47903.rd name in USA (... 47901.sorni , 47902.jitpapa , 47903.reshad , 47904.achana , 47905.chimin ...). One in every 702,203 Americans is named RESHAD and popularity of name RESHAD is 1.42 people per million.
If we compare the popularity statistics of RESHAD to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of January.21.2011 08:28 there are 443 people named as RESHAD in the United States and the number is increasing by 4 people every year.
Usage of reshad as a middle name is more common than its usage as a first name. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in RESHAD is 55 and this makes RESHAD arithmetic buddies with words like Civil, Timid, Nimble, Dedicated, Leaner, Warm.
I will name my son Reshad junior
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