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Conspiracy Theorist

In 1967, the CIA coined the derogatory label "Conspiracy Theorist" to attack truthsayers and whistleblowers who challenge the "official" narrative of the powers to be. This term is usually associated by the mass media to shills with tin foil hats who talk about little green aliens, lizards, supernatural, and other obvious absurdities in order to discredit real truthsayers and whistleblowers who are able to expose real conspiracies conceived by real corrupted people all over the world.

A conspiracy theorist is a shill who wears a tin foil hat and talks about inane absurdities.

by Ubermesch December 9, 2016

19πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful against others.

The ruling elite has created the conspiracy in order to keep the population poor and ignorant.

by Ubermesch April 24, 2016


Conspirology is from Latin: (conspiratio - conspiracy); and Greek: (λογία - logia), is the scientific study of the nature, causes and effects, extent, control, and prevention of conspirational behaviour in both the individual and in society.

Conspirology is an interdisciplinary field in the speculative sciences, drawing especially upon the research of criminology, sociology, politology, psychology and psychiatry, anthropology, history, theology as well as other related disciplines.

Conspirology is used by truthsayers and whistleblowers in order to detect, solve and expose conspiracies.

by Ubermesch April 24, 2016

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Unified theory of conspirology: When something wrong is caused by humans and the effect is detected by the right side who can comprehend and explain what is wrong in a clear and concise way by using logic and science, it's an anomaly. If the wrong side seems unable to understand and unwilling to end the anomaly in time of detection deliberately, it means conspiracy, therefore the wrong side must be contained and eliminated as soon as possible.

1st conspirology law: If you can think of any conspiracy that may physically exist, it already does. The main problem is to detect, solve and expose it, which is the conspiracy paradox.

2nd conspirology law: Once can be a mistake. Twice can be a coincidence. Thrice is a pattern. The third time any phenomenon or action is to be acknowledged as conspiracy axiomatically.

3rd conspirology law: Any well educated adult committing mistakes in own profession, or denial of obvious logic and factual evidences is to be acknowledged as conspirator axiomatically.

Conspirology is based on detection and deduction of delusions:

Detection: "Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice, is a start for research of the truth." - Unknown

Deduction: "When you have eliminated all the impossible, whatever remains, however, even if implausible must be the truth." - Conan Doyle

Delusion: "When you have eliminated all the possible, whatever remains, however, even if improbable must be the lies." - Tiziano Sclavi

Conspirology studies, detects, solves and exposes conspiracies.

by Ubermesch September 26, 2017


Humankind is divided in three types of brains:

A (Alfa) Ubermensch - Superior human minority with the inborn above average intellect that can see the truth. Immune from programming by false dichotomies. Straight, nationalist, agnostic and centrist.

B (Beta) Ublichmensch - Average human majority unable to think independently, also defined as sheeple. Usually programmed by arbitrary rules trough mass media of political and religious ideologies.

Ω (Omega) Untermensch - Inferior subhuman minority who are deceiving, stealing and murdering. Degenerates who are born or become dangerous perverts, criminals, terrorists, dictators or other kinds of scum.

The ubermensch must protect the ublichmensch from the tyranny of the untermensch.

by Ubermesch September 26, 2017

6πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A conspirologist is a truthsayer or a whistleblower. An amateur or professional investigator who are dedicated to studying and solving conspiracies, which is based on rational detection and deduction of facts, using logic supported by scientific knowledge that allows to expose the truth or reaching consensus.

Conspirologists never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice, which is a start for research of the truth. When conspirologists have eliminated all the impossible, whatever remains, however even if implausible must be the truth.

A conspirologist studies, detects, solves and exposes conspiracies.

by Ubermesch December 9, 2016

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Conspirologists must be able to study and categorize, detect, contain, reverse, eliminate and prevent conspiracies of any kind by patterns of stages, like causes, beginning, development, resolution, completion, effects and side-effects.

A conspirologist is able to detect, deduct and expose conspiracies by providing diagnosis and prognosis.

by Ubermesch September 26, 2017