When someone is being a fucking idiot and you wonder if they are under the influence.
Hey man what class do you have 4th period?
R U High? We're in 4th period
Something wolfy playz would like to do to your grandma if you piss him off.
"That won't save your sweet little grandma when I fast-fall, 360, 420, Double-Y Fly Kick her off a bridge on her fucking nose"
-Wolfy Playz
A person who buys apple products and ONLY apple products. Iphones ipads ipods you name it. They believe that Steve jobs is the divine being.
Mark: hey man, how come you walk everywhere?
Jeffery: I'm just waiting for apple to release the iCar so I can finally drive!
*Facepalm* What an iSheep
A toxic wasteland of idiots who believe that their opinion is suppierior to yours and are offended by everything you say. Also seeming to love canceling people for stupid reasons.
Me: the rams deserved to go to the Superbowl this year! I'm excited
Twitter user: SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BANDWAGON RIDER THE 49R'S SHOULD BE IN THE SUPERBOWL!1!1!1!1!1!1! *Cancel* *cancel*
accidentally typed v instead of pasting
Def 1: the 18th James Bond film starring pierce brosnan.
Def 2: One of the best FPS games of all time for the N64.
Def 3: in an FPS game, you happen to kill your opponent as they kill you.
Did I seriously just Goldeneye that?