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A promise between two or more bros

Bro 1: Hey man, I call dibs on her, so don't make any moves, you bromise?
Bro 2: Dude, don't worry I won't, I bromise.

by Unbendable Shaft October 16, 2017


One who is stoked

A stoker always tries to stay stoked in any situations they might find themselves in. Whether times are tough and trying, or everything seems to be flowin your way, a stoker always tries to stay enthusiastic and be positive.

Chad: "JT, did you see that guy just guzzle that 40 down with his Helix beer bong?"
J.T.: "I did dude, I was just talking to him earlier, he's a pretty rad guy. Very enthusiastic."
Chad: "We need more stokers like him."

by Unbendable Shaft August 8, 2018

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