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Evolution is just a theory. What I don't get is how people can say it makes no sence that organisms are always evolving. There are examples of evolution all around us. Look at insects and farmers. Say a farmer is growing carrots, and there is a species of carrot eating insects that could potentially ruin his crop, what does the farmer do? The farmers sprays his crops with pesticides to kill these insects. But, these farmers have noticed that the exact same pesiticides they've used in previous years to kill the exact same insects are no longer working. Why? Because scientists have found out these insects are evolving to form a resistance to these pesticides. This is why every year new, stronger pesticides have to be created for crops(such as carrots).

Another example of evolution is found in the medical world. 70 years ago, it would be unheard of for someone to get Chicken Pox more than once. Now, some people get it twice, even 3 times. Why? Because the Chicken Pox virus is evolving, and changing, even growing a resistance antibiotics.

These are 2 examples of evolution in our modern world.

by Unbiased Reasoning July 29, 2006

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