accidental mashup of "allies" and "colleagues" from dopey Qpublicans trying to sound smart
Lauren "Qbert" Boebert had a visit with Fixed Noise and said "my Alleagues in congress will come around" to our radical policies nobody likes. after that verbal diarrhea, Qbert went and did a live hit on OANN.
Brett Kavanaugh-type calendar entry indicating sex is imminent
oh shit I just read nikki's a maybe on Brett Kavanaugh's calendar so he was definitely planning on getting some strange
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Corporate Media resource to describe donald trump's treasonous actions with bland terms
The New York Times reported on donald trump's speech at Mt. Rushmore as "ominous," which is a word journalists found in their Normalizing Thesaurus. "ugh, those fucking guys" Carl exclaimed after reading his morning paper
Canines afflicted with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Sparky the terrier had Doggie ADD (DADD) *so bad* that he couldn't walk straight on the sidewalk or finish his meal without being distracted by a squirrel.
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when your doctor gets chatty during a prostate exam
Lou had his annual physical, and after fasting he was in a very grumpy mood. when his doctor got to the point of "the finger", Lou felt him fishing around up there like he lost his keys. "so how the kids doing? everybody good? hmm... does that hurt" the doc asked during a very Conversational Probe. Lou thought to himself, "you have your finger in my ass what do u think dude"
interchangeable name for female spouses of fascist Qpublican men
Jocelynn was watching the news and saw Melanoma Trump flash by the screen. "oh shit, there goes Eva Brawny again." her roommate Carol chimed in and said "wait, hode up: I thought that was Kim Guilfoyle?" Jocelynn, not missing a beat, retorted "well, Eva Brawny broadly applies to any wife of a male fascist. Casey DeSantis, who is corrupt AF just like Ronald, is the latest one"
what falls out after severe-ear occlusion
Jamie was painfully clogged in one ear and decided to take matters in his own hands. He jumped in the shower and sprayed the handheld nozzle in his ear. just then he felt a dislodging and something brown and globby fell to the shower floor. He screamed out to roommate Barry "OH MY GOD THAT'S LIKE SOMETHING FROM WRATH OF KHAN!!" Barry, grossed out, stopped eating his bowl of cereal and shouted back "Wrath of Khwax yes I've had a few of those"